Class FeedForwardController

  • public class FeedForwardController
    extends java.lang.Object
    A helper class that computes feedforward outputs for a simple permanent-magnet DC motor.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      double ka  
      double ks  
      double kv  
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      FeedForwardController​(double ks, double kv)
      Creates a new SimpleMotorFeedforward with the specified gains.
      FeedForwardController​(double ks, double kv, double ka)
      Creates a new SimpleMotorFeedforward with the specified gains.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      double calculate​(double velocity)
      Calculates the feedforward from the gains and velocity setpoint (acceleration is assumed to be zero).
      double calculate​(double velocity, double acceleration)
      Calculates the feedforward from the gains and setpoints.
      double calculate​(double currentVelocity, double nextVelocity, double dtSeconds)
      Calculates the feedforward from the gains and setpoints.
      double maxAchievableAcceleration​(double maxVoltage, double velocity)
      Calculates the maximum achievable acceleration given a maximum voltage supply and a velocity.
      double maxAchievableVelocity​(double maxVoltage, double acceleration)
      Calculates the maximum achievable velocity given a maximum voltage supply and an acceleration.
      double minAchievableAcceleration​(double maxVoltage, double velocity)
      Calculates the minimum achievable acceleration given a maximum voltage supply and a velocity.
      double minAchievableVelocity​(double maxVoltage, double acceleration)
      Calculates the minimum achievable velocity given a maximum voltage supply and an acceleration.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • ks

        public final double ks
      • kv

        public final double kv
      • ka

        public final double ka
    • Constructor Detail

      • FeedForwardController

        public FeedForwardController​(double ks,
                                     double kv,
                                     double ka)
        Creates a new SimpleMotorFeedforward with the specified gains. Units of the gain values will dictate units of the computed feedforward.
        ks - The static gain.
        kv - The velocity gain.
        ka - The acceleration gain.
      • FeedForwardController

        public FeedForwardController​(double ks,
                                     double kv)
        Creates a new SimpleMotorFeedforward with the specified gains. Acceleration gain is defaulted to zero. Units of the gain values will dictate units of the computed feedforward.
        ks - The static gain.
        kv - The velocity gain.
    • Method Detail

      • calculate

        public double calculate​(double velocity,
                                double acceleration)
        Calculates the feedforward from the gains and setpoints.
        velocity - The velocity setpoint.
        acceleration - The acceleration setpoint.
        The computed feedforward.
      • calculate

        public double calculate​(double currentVelocity,
                                double nextVelocity,
                                double dtSeconds)
        Calculates the feedforward from the gains and setpoints.
        currentVelocity - The current velocity setpoint.
        nextVelocity - The next velocity setpoint.
        dtSeconds - Time between velocity setpoints in seconds.
        The computed feedforward.
      • calculate

        public double calculate​(double velocity)
        Calculates the feedforward from the gains and velocity setpoint (acceleration is assumed to be zero).
        velocity - The velocity setpoint.
        The computed feedforward.
      • maxAchievableVelocity

        public double maxAchievableVelocity​(double maxVoltage,
                                            double acceleration)
        Calculates the maximum achievable velocity given a maximum voltage supply and an acceleration. Useful for ensuring that velocity and acceleration constraints for a trapezoidal profile are simultaneously achievable - enter the acceleration constraint, and this will give you a simultaneously-achievable velocity constraint.
        maxVoltage - The maximum voltage that can be supplied to the motor.
        acceleration - The acceleration of the motor.
        The maximum possible velocity at the given acceleration.
      • minAchievableVelocity

        public double minAchievableVelocity​(double maxVoltage,
                                            double acceleration)
        Calculates the minimum achievable velocity given a maximum voltage supply and an acceleration. Useful for ensuring that velocity and acceleration constraints for a trapezoidal profile are simultaneously achievable - enter the acceleration constraint, and this will give you a simultaneously-achievable velocity constraint.
        maxVoltage - The maximum voltage that can be supplied to the motor.
        acceleration - The acceleration of the motor.
        The minimum possible velocity at the given acceleration.
      • maxAchievableAcceleration

        public double maxAchievableAcceleration​(double maxVoltage,
                                                double velocity)
        Calculates the maximum achievable acceleration given a maximum voltage supply and a velocity. Useful for ensuring that velocity and acceleration constraints for a trapezoidal profile are simultaneously achievable - enter the velocity constraint, and this will give you a simultaneously-achievable acceleration constraint.
        maxVoltage - The maximum voltage that can be supplied to the motor.
        velocity - The velocity of the motor.
        The maximum possible acceleration at the given velocity.
      • minAchievableAcceleration

        public double minAchievableAcceleration​(double maxVoltage,
                                                double velocity)
        Calculates the minimum achievable acceleration given a maximum voltage supply and a velocity. Useful for ensuring that velocity and acceleration constraints for a trapezoidal profile are simultaneously achievable - enter the velocity constraint, and this will give you a simultaneously-achievable acceleration constraint.
        maxVoltage - The maximum voltage that can be supplied to the motor.
        velocity - The velocity of the motor.
        The minimum possible acceleration at the given velocity.