Class LightningContainer

  • public abstract class LightningContainer
    extends java.lang.Object
    This class is where the bulk of the robot should be declared. Since Command-based is a "declarative" paradigm, very little robot logic should actually be handled in the LightningRobot periodic methods (other than the scheduler calls). Instead, the structure of the robot (including subsystems, commands, and button mappings) should be declared in a subclass of this class.
    • Constructor Detail

      • LightningContainer

        public LightningContainer()
    • Method Detail

      • configureButtonBindings

        protected abstract void configureButtonBindings()
        Connects commands with buttons on joysticks
      • configureSystemTests

        protected abstract void configureSystemTests()
        Registers all systems tests for the robot to be run
      • configureDefaultCommands

        protected abstract void configureDefaultCommands()
        Configures all default commands to run on subsystems when no other command requires that subsystem
      • releaseDefaultCommands

        protected abstract void releaseDefaultCommands()
        Cancles all default commands
      • initializeDashboardCommands

        protected abstract void initializeDashboardCommands()
        Puts command buttons on the dashboard
      • configureAutonomousCommands

        protected abstract void configureAutonomousCommands()
        Configures list of possible commands that can be run during autonomous
      • configureFaultCodes

        protected abstract void configureFaultCodes()
        Configures all robot-specific fault codes
      • configureFaultMonitors

        protected abstract void configureFaultMonitors()
        Configures listeners for fault codes
      • getDrivetrain

        public abstract LightningDrivetrain getDrivetrain()
        The drivetrain object of the robot
        The drivetrain object of the given robot